NRLgate -
Plagiarism by Peer Reviewers

Sections 5.0 thru 5.3

This page is part of the NRLgate Web site presenting evidence of plagiarism among scientific peer reviewers involving 9 different peer review documents of 4 different journal and conference papers in the fields of evolutionary computation and machine learning.

This page contains sections 5 through 5.3 of "Evidence of plagiarism in reviews T2 and T3 of a paper on pursuer-evader games submitted to the Tools for Artificial Intelligence conference (TAI), evidence that TAI reviewers T1, T2, and T3 are affiliated with the Naval Research Laboratory, and similarities linking reviews T1, T2, and T3 with various MLC and ECJ reviews."

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5. Evidence of plagiarism in reviews T2 and T3 of a paper on pursuer-evader games submitted to the Tools for Artificial Intelligence conference (TAI); evidence that TAI reviewers T1, T2, and T3 are affiliated with the Naval Research Laboratory; and similarities linking reviews T1, T2, and T3 with various MLC and ECJ reviews

This section presents evidence indicating the need for an impartial investigation and determination of whether there was plagiarism among the 2 of the 4 scientific peer reviewers who reviewed the paper that I submitted to the Second International Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence (TAI) on the subject of applying genetic programming to two different pursuer-evader game problems and the artificial ant problem (No. 140).

My paper was being reviewed by the Tools for Artificial Intelligence conference on artificial intelligence during the same year, but not during an overlapping time period within the year, as my 2 papers (on empirical discovery and optimal control strategies) were in the process of being reviewed by the Machine Learning Conference. As will be seen,
The evolutionary computation papers represented only a tiny fraction (8 out of 120) of the published papers of the TAI conference because the subject matter of the TAI conference was considerably broader than machine learning or evolutionary computation and included many subjects from the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

There were only 4 reviewers on TAI's "List of Reviewers" who were involved in any known way in the field of evolutionary computation. Except for these 4 people, none of the other TAI reviewers have ever, to my knowledge, written a paper about evolutionary computation. Based on personal observation, I believe I am correct in saying that none of the other TAI reviewer even attended one of the major conferences on genetic algorithms or evolutionary computation. All 4 of the EC-knowledgable reviewers at the TAI conference had the same institutional affiliation, namely Because of the breadth of subject matter at the TAI conference, papers were apparently reviewed by both specialists and non-specialists. Accordingly, the first question on the TAI paper review form asked:
Please answer the following questions by giving a proper number from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest):

How familiar are you with the topic of this paper?
Reviewer T2 and T3 rated themselves as a "10." As will be seen shortly, both reviewers T2 and T3 gave the paper a poor recommendation (a "weak reject" rating). Reviewer T1 rated himself as a "9" and gave the paper a recommendation of "weak accept." In other words, reviewers T1, T2, and T3 rated themselves as being very familiar with evolutionary computation. These self-ratings were apparently accurate and honest since reviewers T1, T2, and T3 made various specific comments reflecting knowledge of evolutionary computation, genetic algorithms, and genetic programming.

In other words, the 3 EC-knowledgable reviewers T1, T2, and T3 appear to have been from the Naval Research Laboratory. As will be seen, this view is further supported by the similarities between TAI reviews T1, T2, and T3 and MLC reviews A, B, X, Y and reviewer #2 of the Evolutionary Computation journal.

Reviewer T4 gave himself a lower rating (7) as to familiarity with evolutionary computation and gave the paper a recommendation of "accept." Reviewer T4's comments were very general and did not reflect any particular specific lack of knowledge about evolutionary computation. The final decision on the paper was apparently based primarily on six numerical scores and one check-off category on the TAI paper review form. In spite of 3 negative recommendations, my TAI paper on pursuer-evader games was apparently accepted based on the strength of reviewer T4 (the non-EC-knowledgable reviewer).

Coincidentally, 4 of the 8 published papers on evolutionary computation were authored at the Naval Research Laboratory (out of the 120 published papers at the TAI conference): Coincidentally, all 4 EC-knowledgable TAI reviewers from the Naval Research Laboratory had at least one of their own papers accepted and published by the TAI conference.

Coincidentally, the subject of first of the above 4 papers from NRL that were published at the TAI conference was an application of the SAMUEL system to pursuer-evader games (evasive maneuvers) amd the subject of my submitted paper to the TAI conference was pursuer-evader games. It will be recalled that the SAMUEL system was invented in-house at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington by John Grefenstette.
HELPFUL PREVIEW AND HINT: The reader may find it helpful to keep in mind that the subsequent subsequent section 7 will provide considerable evidence that
The reader may also find it helpful to keep in mind that subsequent section 6.3 will provide considerable evidence that there are only 2 people in the overlap between the reviewers for the Machine Learning Conference (MLC), the editors and editorial board of the Evolutionary Computation journal (ECJ), and Tools for Artificial Intelligence conference (TAI) and that they are

DISCLAIMER: The 2 sessions on evolutionary computation at this particular meeting of the annual IEEE TAI conference were a one-off event. There is no reason to believe that the ongoing operation of the annual TAI conference suffers from the problems discussed herein (and every reason to believe the contrary).

5.1. Reviewer T1 used quotation marks and ellipsis and the 3-word prepositional phrase "On one run, ..."--- thereby linking TAI reviewer T1 to either MLC reviewer A or B

Quotation marks are ordinarily used to highlight words that are so memorable and important that only the author's exact words do justice to the idea involved. It is very odd to use quotation marks to highlight a mere prepositional phrase --- particularly one as unmemorable and insignificant as the one quoted below.

The only section of the paper review form of the Tools for Artificial Intelligence conference that requested a written response by the reviewer was entitled "Comments to the author(s)." Reviewer T1's entire written response of my 6,026-word TAI paper on pursuer-evader games consisted of 31 handwritten words:
1. Main ideas published elsewhere
2. New applications are interesting and novel.
3. reader of Tools Conference needs to know more of details like: frequency/rate of convergence
4. Results are shaky: "on one run ..."

(Quotation marks and ellipsis in the original).

(Emphasis added)
This is, of course, not the only occasion when we seen these same 3 words placed inside quotation marks with the grammatically incorrect use of ellipsis.

The paper on pursuer-evader games submitted to the TAI conference was in the process of being reviewed contemporaneously during the same limited time period as the submitted MLC paper on empirical discovery (and the submitted MLC paper on optimal control strategies).

Reviewer A of my MLC paper on empirical discovery said,
It is not sufficient to say "In one run, ...".

(Quotation marks and ellipsis in the original).

(Emphasis added)
Reviewer B of my MLC paper on empirical discovery said,
The paper needs to be strengthened by presenting more formally than "on one run ... "

(Quotation marks and ellipsis in the original).

(Emphasis added)
The joint appearance of this 3-word quotation within reviews written for two different scientific conferences suggests that TAI reviewer T1 is the same person as either MLC reviewer A or B.

But is TAI reviewer T1 the same person as MLC reviewer A or B?

5.2. Two reviews of different papers at different conferences contain the same quotation error ("on" instead of "in") --- thereby establishing that TAI reviewer T1 is the same person as MLC reviewer B

The fundamental purpose of quotation marks is to capture words that are so significant that only the author's precise words do justice to the important idea involved. When writers quote such memorable words, they usually carefully check to be sure that they have correctly transcribed the quoted words.

Notice that reviewer T1 of my TAI paper said,
"on one run ..."

(Quotation marks and ellipsis in the original).

(Emphasis added)

Where did reviewer T1 get these 3 words?

These 3 words do not appear anywhere in my submitted 6,026-word TAI paper on pursuer-evader games!

In fact, the only similar phrase appearing anywhere in the submitted TAI paper is "In one run" (Emphasis added).

Recall that review B of the submitted MLC paper on empirical discovery made this same inadvertent typographical error.
"on one run ... "

(Quotation marks and ellipsis in the original).

(Emphasis added)
In fact, the only similar phrase appearing anywhere in the submitted MLC paper is "In one run" (Emphasis added).

These 3 words do not appear anywhere in my submitted 3,118-word MLC paper on empirical discovery!

How could two reviews for different papers at different conferences contain the same transcription error ("on" instead of "in")?

The straight-forward explanation is that TAI reviewer T1 is the same person as MLC reviewer B. Indeed, if reviewers T1 and B are not the same person, then T1 must have had access to an already written review of B (or vice versa) and there must then have been plagiarism between A, B, and T2 --- 3 different scientific peer reviewers at 2 different conferences.

Recall that the apparent institutional affiliation of reviewer T1 is the Naval Research Laboratory (based on T1's self-rating). Thus, if reviewer T1 and B are the same person, the institutional affiliation of reviewer B is the Naval Research Laboratory. However, if reviewer T1 and B are different people, we are left with the unlikely scenario in which one of them gained access to an already written review document located at a military research laboratory.

HELPFUL PREVIEW AND HINT: Subsequent sections (6 and 7) will provide considerable additional independent evidence that the institutional affiliation of MLC reviewer B (and other MLC reviewers) is the Naval Research Laboratory and that reviewers

5.3. Review T2 contained a paragraph that is almost identical in thoughts, words, and phrases to paragraphs contained in reviews A, X, and #2 --- thereby suggesting that TAI reviewer T2 may be the same person as reviewers A, X, and #2

Normally, it is considered desirable for an automated machine learning technique to produce results quickly and efficiently. In fact, it is common to criticize techniques that consume too much computer time to produce results.

In this section, we will compare the thoughts, words, and phrases appearing in a paragraph that appears in the 4 review documents:
The only written comments made by reviewer T2 on the paper review form for my TAI paper on pursuer-evader games were the following 3 hand-written words in the "Comments to the author(s)" section:
Please see attached
Reviewer T2 then attached the following 141 computer-printed words on a separate piece of paper. Notice paragraph 2.
The idea of evolving Lisp expressions with GAs is an interesting one and the work described in this paper is interesting.
However, I feel that the experimental methodology used in this research makes it difficult to evaluate the success of the work. Good solutions are achieved so rapidly that is hard to judge the difficulty of the problems (a comparison with random search or other techniques would be helpful). Also, only partial results are reported.
Since a key issue is whether the GA is building up useful building blocks (ie., Lisp subexpressions), it would be nice to see how your system scales up to more difficult problems.
Finally, it is stated that mutation is not used. It is not clear, then how the numbers are evolved in the solution to the simple pursuit game (crossover does not appear to be sufficient).

(Emphasis added)
Recall that reviewer A of my MLC paper on empirical discovery said,
For one experiment, excellent results are claimed to appear within the first nine generations. This is extremely suspicious, unless the choice of functions to be used in the constructions of the concepts practically guarantees success. In order to judge, it would be necessary to see the results compared against an alternative search technqiue, perhaps even random search.
(Spelling error in "technqiue" in original)

(Emphasis added).
Recall that reviewer X of my MLC paper on optimal control strategies said,
The papers claims that optimal control strategies were evolved within 46 generations - extremely quickly by genetic algorithm standards. One suspects that the search space defined by the functions is dense with solutions. It would help to see comparison with another search method, even random search, on the same search space. The data provided is insufficient to judge the merits of this approach.

(Emphasis added).
Recall that reviewer #2 of my ECJ paper said,
Evaluation is the weak point of the paper. Since results are obtained so quickly (within 50 generations) it is especially important to evaluate the density of acceptable solutions in the search space. This usually means comparison with some baseline approach, perhaps random search. However, the comparison here doesn't do this issue justice.

(Emphasis added).
Note that we are probably not talking about plagiarism in this particular section. We are simply saying that reviewers A, X, #2, and T2 may be the same person. If that were the case, the likely institutional affiliation of reviewers A, X, and #2 would be the same as the apparent institutional affiliation of TAI reviewer T2 (i.e., the Naval Research Laboratory). However, if reviewer T2 is a different person than A, X, and #2, we are left with the unlikely scenario in which 3 people (A, X, and #2) gained access to an already review document located at a military research laboratory.

Author: John R. Koza

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