NRLgate -
Plagiarism by Peer Reviewers

Sections 6 thru 6.3

This page is part of the NRLgate Web site presenting evidence of plagiarism among scientific peer reviewers involving 9 different peer review documents of 4 different journal and conference papers in the fields of evolutionary computation and machine learning.

This page contains sections 6 thru 6.3 of "There are only 2 people in the overlap between the reviewers for the Machine Learning Conference (MLC), the editors and editorial board of the Evolutionary Computation journal (ECJ), and Tools for Artificial Intelligence conference (TAI)."

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6. There are only 2 people in the overlap between the reviewers for the Machine Learning Conference (MLC), the editors and editorial board of the Evolutionary Computation journal (ECJ), and Tools for Artificial Intelligence conference (TAI)

Documents A, B, X, Y, #1, #2, #3, T2, and T3 establish, on their face, that serious scientific misconduct involving collusion and plagiarism has occurred.

Plagiarism among peer reviewers is an offense that goes to the heart of the integrity of the scientific peer review process.

Someone created these plagiarized documents.

Someone committed these offenses.

Up to 9 different persons violated the trust reposed in them by the Evolutionary Computation journal, the Machine Learning Conference, and the Tools for Artificial Intelligence conference.

Once it is established a serious offense has been committed, the obvious question is who created these plagiarized reviews. Who are the trusted persons who created these plagiarized peer review documents?

It is conceivable that reviewers A, B, X, Y, #1, #2, #3, T2, and T3 of the 4 different conference and journal papers involved here are 9 different people. The 4 disjoint groups of plagiarizing reviewers would be The existence of 4 disjoint groups of plagiarizing reviewers would not make the offense of plagiarism any less serious, it would just mean that there are a surprisingly large number of disjoint groups of plagiarizing reviewers within the extraordinarily small pool of people in the fields of genetic algorithms and machine learning.

Most people (including myself) believe that wrongdoing is relatively rare even though we know that wrongdoing occurs in every aspect of human activity, including the scientific community. Although it is conceivable that reviewers A, B, X, Y, #1, #2, #3, T2, and T3 of the 4 different conference and journal paper involved here are 9 different people, the principle of Occam's Razor suggests that the simplest explanation for a situation warrants extra attention.

All 5,000,000,000 souls on this planet are not candidates in the process of determining the identity of the trusted persons who created these plagiarized peer review documents . There were only 24 people on the advertised program committee of the Machine Learning Conference (and 2 chairmen), 32 people on the advertised editorial board of the Evolutionary Computation journal (plus its Editor-In-Chief and 3 associate editors), and 186 reviewers for the Tools for Artificial Intelligence conference.

I believe that a definitive identification of the wrongdoers involved in creating these plagiarized reviews should be done by an impartial person who is experienced and trained in reaching findings of fact and making judgments based on the evidence. Specifically, I advocate a complaint resolution procedure involving a retired federal judge acting under the auspices of the American Arbitration Association for the task of making a definitive determination of the truth. No final judgment or opinion should be formed at this time on any of the matters herein. Instead, the truth concerning all of these matters herein should be definitively determined in a thorough and impartial investigation and factual determination made under the proposed arbitration procedure by a retired federal judge.

However, the reader may wish to make some of his own preliminary conclusions as to who created the 9 peer reviews for these 4 different conference and journal papers. The factors below may enable the reader to reach his own preliminary conclusion concerning this matter. The discussion below falls into two main categories.

The information below may cause the reader to reach a preliminary conclusion for himself that the identities of the plagiarizing reviewers is suggested by the small overlap of the pools of reviewers for the Machine Learning Conference, the Evolutionary Computation journal, and the Tools for Artificial Intelligence conference (along with the familiarity with evolutionary computation exhibited by reviewers A, B, X, Y, #1, #2, #3, T2, and T3).

The information provided in later sections may cause the reader to reach a preliminary conclusion for himself that reviews A, X, #2, and T2 of the 4 papers are inter-linked by so many similarities that they were probably written by the same person. Similarly, the reader may conclude that reviews B, Y, #1, and T1 are inter-linked by so many similarities that they were probably written by the same person. Of course, if the same person reviewed different conference and journal papers, there is no plagiarism for those papers. It is bad practice for a single reviewer to excessively review a single author's work, but it would be no surprise if such reviews resembled one another.

6.1. There are only 2 people in the overlap between the Machine Learning Conference and the Evolutionary Computation journal

The 32 members of the editorial board of the Evolutionary Computation journal (for its first 3 years of existence) were In addition, the Editor-In-Chief of the journal is Kenneth DeJong of Code 5510 of the Naval Research Laboratory (and George Mason University).

The 3 associate editors of the journal handle different geographic areas and they are The 24 members of the program committee of the Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning (to which my paper No.151 on empirical discovery and my paper No 152 on optimal control strategies were submitted) were In addition, the chairmen of the conference were Bruce Porter and Raymond Mooney of the University of Texas at Austin.

There are only 2 people in the overlap between the Machine Learning Conference and the Evolutionary Computation journal, namely Of course, this observation concerning these 2 overlapping individuals does not alone establish the identity of the plagiarizers involved here.

6.2. There are only 2 of the 24 people who were reviewers for the Machine Learning Conference who are involved with the field of evolutionary computation

There is only a small overlap in subject matter between the fields of machine learning (ML) and evolutionary computation (EC).

The Machine Learning Conference encompasses many different machine learning (ML) technologies including, among others, decision trees, reinforcement learning (RL), inductive logic programming (ILP), and evolutionary computation (to the extent that it is applied to machine learning problems).

The field of evolutionary computation (EC) encompasses many different technologies including genetic algorithms (GA), genetic programming (GP), classifier systems (CFS), evolution strategies (ES), and evolutionary programming (EP).

Everyone familiar with the field of evolutionary computation and genetic algorithms will instantly recognize that only 2 of the 24 members of the program committee (and 0 of the 2 chairmen) of the Machine Learning Conference are even remotely associated with the field of evolutionary computation.

Those 2 people are None of the other 22 members of the program committee (or either of the 2 chairmen) have ever, to my knowledge, written a single paper about evolutionary computation and genetic algorithms. I believe I am correct in saying that none even attended one of the major conferences on genetic algorithms or evolutionary computation.

Indeed, the 2 people from the evolutionary computation community gained appointment to the program committee of the Machine Learning Conference primarily because they were actively involved in the specialized field of evolutionary computation (just as most of the other people gained appointment to the MLC program committee because were actively involved in other specialties within the overall field of machine learning).

The most common way of assigning papers to reviewers at a conference whose program committee consists of people representing many specialized technologies is to assign a paper to recognized specialists in the subject matter of the paper. If that were done for my 2 papers at the Machine Learning Conference, then, reviews A, B, X, and Y were written by the 2 specialists in evolutionary computation.

Sometimes a paper is assigned to one person who is a specialist in the subject matter of the paper and one non-specialist. It would be unusual not to assign a paper on genetic programming to at least 1 of the 2 specialists in evolutionary computation. Indeed, failure to do so would negate the primary reason for having these 2 active practitioners of evolutionary computation on the MLC program committee in the first place.

Thus, the reader may come to the conclusion that is appropriate to tentatively focus extra attention on the only 2 people on this list of Machine Learning Conference reviewers who are involved with the fields of evolutionary computation.

Of course, this observation concerning these 2 overlapping individuals does not alone establish the identity of the plagiarizers involved here.

6.2.1. Reviewers A and X of my MLC papers were knowledgeable about evolutionary computation

The comments made by the reviewers A and X of my two MLC papers indicate that they are very familiar with the field of genetic algorithms and evolutionary computation.

Reviewer X of my MLC paper on optimal control strategies refers to
genetic algorithm standards

(Emphasis added).
Reviewer A of my MLC paper on empirical discovery was "extremely suspicious.":
For one experiment, excellent results are claimed to appear within the first nine generations. This is extremely suspicious, unless the choice of functions to be used in the constructions of the concepts practically guarantees success. In order to judge, it would be necessary to see the results compared against an alternative search technqiue, perhaps even random search.
The paper completely lacks any discussion of limitations of the method. This also reduces the quality of the paper.

(Spelling error in "technqiue" in original)
(Emphasis added).
How likely is that a generalist with no personal experience in using genetic algorithms would refer to "genetic algorithm standards"?

How likely is it that a generalist with no personal experience in using genetic algorithms assert that 9 generations are "extremely suspicious"?

Also, reviewer X is suspicious about the achievement of a solution within "46 generations."
The papers claims that optimal control strategies were evolved within 46 generations - extremely quickly by genetic algorithm standards. One suspects that the search space defined by the functions is dense with solutions. It would help to see comparison with another search method, even random search, on the same search space. The data provided is insufficient to judge the merits of this approach.
There is no discussion of the limitations of the method, or of directions for further research.

(Emphasis added).
How likely is it that a generalist with no personal experience in using genetic algorithms would assert that 46 generations are suspicious?

As previously mentioned, only 2 of the 24 members of the program committee of the Machine Learning Conference (and neither of its chairmen) are even remotely associated with the specialized field of evolutionary computation and genetic algorithms. Only 2 of the 24 have ever, to my knowledge, written a paper about genetic algorithms. Those 2 people are Of course, this observation concerning these 2 overlapping individuals and their familiarity with evolutionary computation does not alone establish the identity of the plagiarizers involved here.

6.2.2. Reviewer X of my MLC paper is conversant with the comparative number of lines of computer code in various computer implementations of genetic algorithm

Reviewer X of my MLC paper on optimal control strategies seems to be very conversant with the number of lines of computer code in various computer implementations of the genetic algorithm. He says,
The presentation suffers from the presence of irrelevancies such as the number of lines of Common Lisp code in the program (although the number seems enormous compared to other implementations of genetic algorithms), and the kinds of boards in the author's Mac II).

(Emphasis added).
John Grefenstette is author of a widely used computer program (called "Genesis") in the C programming language for the genetic algorithm. This computer program has been distributed, along with a detailed manual, for a number of years by Grefenstette. Grefenstette is also founding curator of the public FTP site and Genetic Algorithm Archive (GA Archive) at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington where Genesis and various other computer implementations of the genetic algorithm may be retrieved by e-mail by the public. Thus, Grefenstette is conversant with the comparative number of lines of computer code in many different computer implementations of genetic algorithms.

In contrast, although I use Grefenstette's Genesis program in my own university course on genetic algorithms, I do not know the number of lines of computer code in Genesis (much less the number of lines in other programs that are available at the FTP site managed by Grefenstette). These numbers are not secret and can be obtained by anyone who is interested; however, these numbers are simply not "top-of-mind" facts for most people.

While most of the 22 other members of the program committee (or the 2 chairmen) of the Machine Learning Conference have a passing exposure to genetic algorithms, it is most unlikely that any of them are familiar with the comparative number of lines of computer code in the many different computer implementations of the genetic algorithm.

Of course, familiarity with the comparative number of lines of computer code in various different computer implementations of genetic algorithms does not alone establish the identity of the plagiarizers involved here.

6.3. There are only 2 people in the overlap between the reviewers for the MLC and TAI conferences and there are only 2 people in the overlap between the reviewers for the TAI conference and the editors and editorial board of the Evolutionary Computation journal

As discussed extensively earlier (Section 5), the only 4 reviewers for the Tools for Artificial Intelligence (TAI) conference with any involvement in the field of evolutionary computation were Moreover, TAI reviewers T1, T2, and T3 (but not T4) rated themselves on the paper review form as being very familiar with evolutionary computation. In addition, their detailed and specific comments in their TAI reviews reflect knowledge of evolutionary computation and supports their self-rating that they are very familiar with this field.

The only 2 people who overlap the TAI conference and the Machine Learning Conference are The only 2 people who overlap the TAI conference and the editors and editorial board of the Evolutionary Computation journal are
Of course, this observation concerning these 2 overlapping individuals and their familiarity with evolutionary computation does not alone establish the identity of the plagiarizers involved here.

Author: John R. Koza

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