NRLgate -
Plagiarism by Peer Reviewers

Sections 5.4 thru 5.11

This page is part of the NRLgate Web site presenting evidence of plagiarism among scientific peer reviewers involving 9 different peer review documents of 4 different journal and conference papers in the fields of evolutionary computation and machine learning.

This page contains sections 5.4 through 5.11 of "Evidence of plagiarism in reviews T2 and T3 of a paper on pursuer-evader games submitted to the Tools for Artificial Intelligence conference (TAI), evidence that TAI reviewers T1, T2, and T3 are affiliated with the Naval Research Laboratory, and similarities linking reviews T1, T2, and T3 with various MLC and ECJ reviews."

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5.4. Review T2 substituted "GA" in lieu of the author's chosen term ("Genetic Programming") in the same way as MLC reviewers A, B, X, and Y

Reviewer T2 of my TAI paper on pursuer-evader games begins his review,
The idea of evolving Lisp expressions with GAs is an interesting one and the work described in this paper is interesting.
However, I feel that the experimental methodology used in this research makes it difficult to evaluate the success of the work.

(Emphasis added)
However, I used the term "genetic programming" in my submitted TAI paper.

The first sentence of 4 other review documents --- A, B, X, and Y --- similarly imposed this substitution of "genetic algorithm" or "GA" for the author's chosen term (perhaps offensive to both) that actually appears in the submitted paper. See section 2.11. See section 3.10.

For example, reviewer A of my MLC paper on empirical discovery said,
This paper reorts on a technique of learning concepts expressed as LISP expression using genetic algorithms. This is a topic of general interest. The methodology adopted prevents a clear assessment of how much over advance this approach represents.
Spelling error of "reorts" and grammatical error of "over advance" in original).

(Emphasis added)
Note that we are probably not talking about plagiarism in this particular section. We are simply saying that reviewer T2 is apparently the same person as reviewer A or B and that reviewer T2 is apparently the same person as reviewer X or Y. If that were the case, the institutional affiliation of reviewers A or B and of reviewers X or Y would be the same as the apparent institutional affiliation of TAI reviewer T2 (i.e., the Naval Research Laboratory).

5.5. The opening sentences of TAI review T2 and MLC review A contain 5 similarities

Reviewer T2 of my TAI paper on pursuer-evader games begins his review,
The idea of evolving Lisp expressions with GAs is an interesting one and the work described in this paper is interesting.
However, I feel that the experimental methodology used in this research makes it difficult to evaluate the success of the work.

(Emphasis added)
Reviewer A of my MLC paper on empirical discovery begins his review,
This paper reorts on a technique of learning concepts expressed as LISP expression using genetic algorithms. This is a topic of general interest. The methodology adopted prevents a clear assessment of how much over advance this approach represents.
Spelling error of "reorts" and grammatical error of "over advance" in original).

(Emphasis added)
Note, again, that we are probably not talking about plagiarism in this particular section. We are simply saying that reviewer T2 is apparently the same person as reviewer A. If that were the case, the likely institutional affiliation of reviewer A would be the same as the apparent institutional affiliation of TAI reviewer T2 (i.e., the Naval Research Laboratory).

5.6. There are 4 similarities in another sentence of TAI review T2 and MLC review A and they both contain a particular infrequently used word that MLC reviewer X frequently uses

Reviewer T2 of my TAI paper on pursuer-evader games said,
Good solutions are achieved so rapidly that is hard to judge the difficulty of the problems (a comparison with random search or other techniques would be helpful).

(Emphasis added).
Reviewer A of my MLC paper on empirical discovery said,
In order to judge, it would be necessary to see the results compared against an alternative search technqiue, perhaps even random search.
(Spelling error in "technqiue" in original)

(Emphasis added).
In addition to the similar elements appearing in these 2 sentences, notice the word "judge."

Reviewer X of my MLC paper on optimal control strategies used this word twice in his 501-word review:
The technical soudness of the paper is extremely hard to judge.


The data provided is insufficient to judge the merits of this approach.

(Spelling of "soudness" in original).
(Emphasis added throughout this secton).

Reviewer T2 of my TAI paper on pursuer-evader games said,
Good solutions are achieved so rapidly that is hard to judge the difficulty of the problems (a comparison with random search or other techniques would be helpful).

(Emphasis added).
Reviewer A of my MLC paper on empirical discovery said,
In order to judge, it would be necessary to see the results compared against an alternative search technqiue, perhaps even random search.

(Spelling error in "technqiue" in original)
(Emphasis added).

Here's the frequency of occurrence of the word "judge" in various review documents:
Reviewer B - 0 times
Reviewer Y - 0 times
Reviewer #1 - 0 times
Reviewer #2 - 0 times
Reviewer #3 - 0 times
Reviewer T1 - 0 times
Reviewer T2 - 0 times
Reviewer T3 - 0 times
Reviewer T4 - 0 times
316 reviews by 86 GP-96 peer reviewers - 3 times (1-in-21,379 odds)

5.7. Reviewers T2, A, and B over-diligently filled in every blank on the paper review form

Reviewer T2 for my TAI paper on pursuer-evader games placed the following hand-written words in the "Comments to the author(s)" section of his paper review form:
Please see attached
Referring again to the computer file containing the 64,109 words of the 316 paper review forms from the 86 peer reviewers of the genetic programming papers at the Genetic Programming 1996 Conference. Section 8 (entitled "Suggestions to Author") on the 16-part review form used by the GP-96 conference was entirely blank on only 5% (19 of 316) of the review documents. 4% (14 of 316) of the reviews did not provide any advice to the author in section 8, but nonetheless over-diligently filled in the blank line of section 8 with a vacuous phrase.

Reviewers A and B of my MLC paper on empirical discovery did not give the author any advice in the corresponding section of the MLC paper review form, but nonetheless over-diligently filled in the blank space with a vacuous phrase.

Both TAI reviews T1 nor T3 are hand-written and they filled in the "Comments to the author(s)" section of the TAI paper review form in long hand.

This is not the only occasion when we encounter such over-diligence in filling in every blank line on a form. See section 2.9. See section 7.12.

5.8. Reviewer T3 contained 2 sentences that are almost identical in thoughts, words, and phrases to paragraphs contained in MLC review X and ECJ review #2

Review T3 was hand-written and the copy supplied to me was clipped (apparently in xeroxing). Reviewer T3 said,
How does this compare with other [sear]ch techniques (e.g. random)? How full is search space with solutions for your applications?
Recall that reviewer X of my MLC paper on optimal control strategies said,
One suspects that the search space defined by the functions is dense with solutions. It would help to see comparison with another search method, even random search, on the same search space.

(Emphasis added).
Recall that reviewer #2 of my ECJ paper said,
Since results are obtained so quickly (within 50 generations) it is especially important to evaluate the density of acceptable solutions in the search space. This usually means comparison with some baseline approach, perhaps random search.

(Emphasis added).
Reviewer T3's says,
How full is search space with solutions ... ?

(Emphasis added).

What a strange choice of words!

"Dense" is the ordinary way of saying the same thing. I have never seen the use of such a strained synonym for "dense." Of course, if one felt compelled to use a different word instead of "dense," one might compromise with "full." The conclusion is that reviewer T3 is indeed "full."

5.9. Both reviewers T2 and T3 zeroed-in on the obscure issue as to why the submitted paper did not use the mutation operation

All forms of evolutionary computation employ the operation of Darwinian selection and reproduction.

The mutation operation generally plays a very small role in the genetic algorithm. In fact, the dominant role of the crossover operation (as compared to the mutation operation) distinguished John Holland's pioneering work (1975) in inventing the genetic algorithm from earlier (and later) work in the field of evolutionary programming and evolution strategies. Thus, genetic algorithms (and genetic programming) are distinguished from other forms of evolutionary computation in that they rely heavily on the crossover (sexual recombination) operation. Genetic programming is a variant of the genetic algorithm.

The mutation operation receives relatively little attention in the genetic algorithms literature. It is not at the "top of mind" for most practitioners of genetic algorithms.

Yet, reviewer T2 said, in his 141--word review,
Finally, it is stated that mutation is not used. It is not clear, then how the numbers are evolved in the solution to the simple pursuit game (crossover does not appear to be sufficient).

(Emphasis added)
Review T3 was hand-written and the copy supplied to me was clipped (apparently in xeroxing). Filling in a couple of minor words (shown by brackets), reviewer T3 said, in his approximately 99-word review,
[You] did not use mutation?? Do you have comparisons using & not using mutation? Why [didn't] you use mutation? In particular, if you only X-over subtrees, what happens if [some individual] is almost optimal, but only the root of the tree has the wrong function?

(Emphasis added)
As previously mentioned, between 1988 and 1995, I have submitted about 100 papers on genetic programming to various peer-reviewed conferences, journals, and edited collections of papers. Almost 70 have now been published (or have been accepted for publication). Each of these 100 submissions were reviewed, on average, by 3 peer reviewers (sometimes by as many as 14). Thus, I have received approximately 300 peer reviews of my submitted papers on genetic programming over the years. This accumulation of peer reviews is a not insubstantial sampling of the way a broad range of anonymous scientific peer reviewers react and comment on technical papers in this field.

Except for these 2 reviewers of this TAI paper and one other reviewer (discussed below), no reviewer has ever raised the issue of my not using the mutation operation in my work (which I did not use in papers until about 1995).

It seems improbable two independent-acting reviewers --- in reviews of only 99 and 141 words --- would zero-in on such an obscure issue.

By the way, although athe word "use" is a common word, it is nonetheless curious to see the same choice of verb in the space of such short reviews.

5.10. Both reviewers T2 and T3 were argumentative about the ability of genetic programming for solving problems without the mutation operation

Reviewer T2 said,
... crossover does not appear to be sufficient.
(Emphasis added)
Reviewer T3 had a very focused observation about the mutation operation:
In particular, if you only X-over subtrees, what happens if [some individual] is almost optimal, but only the root of the tree has the wrong function?

(Emphasis added)

As previously mentioned, the mutation operation is not at the "top of mind" for most practitioners of genetic algorithms. There has been very little research activity directed to this particular operation. However, it should be noted, in passing, that William M. Spears of the Naval Research Laboratory (Spears 1993) wrote a paper entitled "Crossover or Mutation?" within less than a year of this review for the FOGA-2 workshop in which he studied the mutation operation. It should also be noted, in passing, that a paper by Kenneth DeJong and William Spears of the Naval Research Laboratory (DeJong and Spears 1993, page 621) takes specific note of the fact that I sometimes do not use the mutation operaton in genetic programming. Finally, it should be noted, in passing, documents released by the U. S. government under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) named one particular employee of the Naval Research Laboratory (William M. Spears) as having reviewed a 40 papers in one nearby year (1994) in the field of evolutionary computation. This number of papers is far beyond the number reviewed by the typical scientist in this field and especially extraordinary for a student with a master's degree. None of the foregoing necessarily means that Spears is reviewer T3. Both Spears and another employee of the Naval Research Laboratory (Schultz) are among the 4 TAI reviewers who are involved with evolutionary computation; both of them could reasonably have reasonably rated themselves as a "10" in terms of familiarity with evolutionary computation; and either could possibly have been reviewer T3. It is also entirely possible that neither of these 2 NRL employees were reviewer T3. Also, while the evidence of plagiarism between reviewers T2 and T2 is persuasive, the TAI reviews are shorter and do not contain as many different linkages as, say, the MLC or ECJ reviews. No final judgment or opinion should be formed at this time on any of the matters herein. Instead, the truth concerning all of these matters herein should be definititvely determined in a thorough and impartial investigation and factual determination made under the proposed arbitration procedure by a retired federal judge.

Note that neither Spears nor Schultz was a member of the program committee the Machine Learning Conference or a member of the editorial board of the Evolutionary Computation journal. As suggested above (and supported by numerous additional indications in the next section below), TAI reviewer T2, reviewer A of the submitted MLC paper on empirical discovery, reviewer X of the submitted MLC paper optimal control strategies, and reviewer #2 of the submitted ECJ paper may very well be the same person. Also, as suggested above (and supported by numerous additional indications in the next section below), TAI reviewer T1, reviewer B of the submitted MLC paper on empirical discovery, Y of the submitted MLC paper optimal control strategies, and reviewer #1 of the submitted ECJ paper may very well be the same person. If so, neither Spears nor Schultz can be reviewer T2, A, X, or #2. Similarly, neither Spears nor Schultz can be reviewer T1, B, Y, or #1.

5.11. Reviewers T2, T3, and #3 are the only reviewers who raised the issue of the mutation operation --- thereby suggesting that Evolutionary Computation reviewer #3 is either TAI reviewer T2 or T2

As mentioned above, with one exception, no reviewer has ever raised the issue of my not using the mutation operation in my work except for TAI reviewers T2 and T3.

What was that exception?

Reviewer #3 of my paper submitted to the Evolutionary Computation journal said,
The authors clearly state some research goals, but I think they have
some "hidden agendas" that should be made explicit, most notably (1)
to demonstrate that crossover is really helping in the described
problem, (2) a second goal is probably to demonstrate that genetic
programming works on a novel application (control problems), or
possibly, works better than the traditional GA on this application [if
this is what I was supposed to learn from the paper, then the authors
should be more explicit about this], (3) to advertise the genetic
programming method (a full 1 1/2 pages of text is devoted to
describing other applications that the method has been used for), and
only slightly more subtly to advertising Koza's book and videotape. I
think this last agenda is inappropriate for a scientific journal.
Thus, reviewer #3 considers it to be a "hidden agenda" if research work happens to shows that
... crossover is really helping in the described problem,

Later, in this same review document, ECJ reviewer #3 says, under "extra comments,"
10 pages - argues that crossover is effective for the one run
Reviewer #3 apparently thinks that it is a "hidden agenda" that "to demonstrate that crossover is really helping" and that "crossover is effective."

Author: John R. Koza

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